Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Candy Queen

Reagan has decided that she really likes candy. She stopped every so often while we were trick-or-treating to make sure that all of her candy was still in her bucket. And then when we got home she had to dump it all out to investigate her loot. She loved the suckers, although this one was just a little bit sour!!

One Wild Horse

Reagan dressed up as a horse for Halloween, which was fitting since she loves horses so much! She looked just like the stuffed horse that she carries around! She was the cutest thing that I have ever seen, but I may be a bit prejudiced. After about the third house, she figured out what trick-or-treating was all about. She would wait for the door to open, then say TREAT really loud. As soon as the candy hit the bottom of her bucket, she was off to the next house to get more. She was even cuter when we got back home and started handing out candy to all of the other kids. She put the candy in each bag that came to our door. It took a little longer that way than if Ryan or I had done it, but it was worth it to see her get so excited to be such a big girl!

Carving the Jack-O-Lantern

Reagan was unsure about all the gross "guts" that came out of the pumpkin when we were carving it, but she loved the finished Jack-O-Lantern. She even gave it kisses!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

Just like last year, we took Reagan to the pumpkin patch for Halloween. She had fun running around the "balls" as she called them at first. She finally started saying pumpkin before we left, and she picked out the perfect one for carving! I'm attaching a picture from last year as well so you can see how much she's grown up!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Bath Time

Auntie Anna had fun trying to teach Reagan a few bad habits while we were in SC. Reagan's favorite was splashing water EVERYWHERE at bath time. Auntie Anna would get in the tub and show Reagan how to get water all over everything... it looked like fun but was a mess to clean up!

What Does the Cow Say?

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Reagan and I have been working on animal sounds for awhile now, and she is becoming a pro! She's showing off just a little bit in this video. Since then, we've mastered the snake and added a few new animals like the horse, the duck, the dog, and the cat. We're working on the sheep and the chicken too!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Lion's Club BBQ

There is nothing like good ole southern BBQ. For those of you who don't know (meaning Canadians), BBQ is not when you cook just anything on the grill. That is called grilling. You grill steaks, burgers, hot dogs, chicken... but you BBQ a pig. Shuler's BBQ has the best in my opinion. I love the food, and the atmosphere and of course the people. So we always make sure to eat there when we go down South for a visit. This time, I was lucky enough to get to eat BBQ twice! Once from Shuler's, and once for the Lion's Club fundraiser. Reagan got all dressed up to go see Mr. Buddy Coward at the dinner, so I of course was taking pictures! It was fun seeing some old friends as the dinner turned into a social gathering as is bound to happen in a small town!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So Sleepy

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Reagan was tuckered out after a long day of playing and partying. She couldn't even hold her eyes open at the dinner table!

I'm One & a Half!

We had a one and a half year celebration for Reagan since she turned 18 months old! She really liked the cupcakes, but not as much as Mommy did!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Playing with Pops

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Reagan loves playing with her Pops. He invents great games to play like motorhome peek-a-boo, fly fly fly, and ball in the hall. But his signature game to play with Reagan is "knock me down to pull me up." Reagan loved showing how strong she was by knocking Pops down, and then she would help him back up... (so she could knock him down again!) Pops taught her how to grunt and groan when you are working hard, and pulling him up off the floor is hard work for such a little girl. As you can see/hear on the video, Reagan has mastered the art of grunting!!

Baking Cookies with Auntie Anna

Auntie Anna taught Reagan how to bake cookies, and they were delicious! I'm still not sure who had more fun... Reagan or Anna!

Pop's Helper - The Little Mechanic

Pops had to patch a slow leak in the tire on the Vue, and Reagan decided to help. She learned how to spray Windex on the tire to search for air leaks, and she had fun "surfing" on dolly. But she was quite concerned when Pops went under the car, so she quickly pulled him back out! It was too cute. She was the little grease monkey with oil on her face, and she loved every second of it!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Visiting with Great-Gran

Ryan had to head back home to get to work, but Reagan and I stayed down South for an extra week of playing. We went to see Great-Gran on our way home from taking Ryan to the airport, and she was thrilled with the surprise!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fly Fly Fly

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Reagan and Pops had so much fun playing together this trip. They are the best of buddies. And you can see why in this video... Pops will do anything that Reagan asks! She loved "flying" with him every night. We loved watching them! A few days after this video was shot, Reagan watched the space shuttle blast off into space, and she seemed to understand what was happening as she watched it on TV. Of course, when we were done watching she climbed into her basket and began asking Pops to fly! This video is a little long (three minutes) but some of the best stuff is at the end so be sure to watch the whole thing. YAHOOO!

Climbing the Tree

Ryan and I have been saying for months that Reagan is a little monkey with the way she climbs all over everything. She proved us right when she wanted to climb up the tree in Pop's and Momsey's backyard. It brought back a lot of memories for me as a child doing the exact same thing, so I couldn't resist joining her!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shopping with Auntie Anna

Auntie Anna let Reagan play on the rides at Super WalMart while we were shopping for some last minute groceries! Reagan LOVES playing with her "Ah Ah" (aka Anna).

Monday, October 15, 2007

Big Fish

Ryan and Pops went fishing everyday at the beach, and each day they brought home a catch! Reagan had fun "petting" the fish... King Mackeral. The fish are bigger than she is!

Little Fish

Reagan was the little fisher-lady on this beach trip... Here she is holding the bait fish which she wanted to claim as her pet! Little did she know that Daddy and Pops had another idea for this little fish that they caught with their nets.

Blowing Bubbles with Momsey

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We went to SC for a vacation from the already cold temperatures back home, and we enjoyed soaking up the sun at the beach while we were there. Reagan loved blowing bubbles with Momsey, and was quite proud of herself when she mastered doing it all by herself!