Thursday, March 27, 2008


Wouldn't you know... something amazing happened and I didn't have my camera with me at the time. Reagan has found a new fascination with fire trucks. I think that it has something to do with the fire truck that is INSIDE our local library that the kids can play on. That and the fact that you can almost always hear some sort of siren going off at some point each day at our house. It may be an ambulance or a police car, but to Reagan every siren is a FIRE TRUCK! So while we were at the beach, I had told Pops that if the fire trucks were ever parked outside of the the fire station when we went by that we would have to stop so Reagan could see it. We were on our way into town, and sure enough... there sat the big red truck. So Pops pulled over and we all hopped out of the car to go check it out. There was a fireman outside who was busy sweeping the walkway, and he started chatting with us as we were admiring the truck. Well, as soon as he realized that the cute little girl was in love with his fire truck he couldn't get the keys out fast enough. The next thing we knew, WE WERE ALL RIDING THROUGH SUNSET HARBOR IN THE FIRE TRUCK. Sirens blaring and everything. Reagan thought that it was the coolest thing in the world... we all did. When we got back to the station, the fireman gave Reagan a fire chief's hat and badge along with a bag full of goodies. She was one happy little girl. She couldn't stop talking about it that night... "I rode in the fire truck!" was all we heard. So a big thank you to the Sunset Harbor Volunteer Fire Department, and a big thank you to Pops for going back later and taking a picture of "Reagan's Fire Truck" for us!

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