Imagine the excitement that a six year old little girl must feel when she finds out that she has a new baby sister. I can tell you
all about that joy, as I was
that six year old little girl 27 years ago today.

I remember it as vividly as if it was yesterday. It was in the morning, and I was swinging on the swings at Campbell's Kindergarten in Dillon, SC when my Dad drove up in the brown Driver's Ed car from the high school.
(Obviously, he was the the Driver's Ed instructor!) As soon as I saw him, I jumped out of the swing and ran to the gate to meet him. He scooped me up, gave me a big hug, and very proudly told me that I had a baby sister! I was so happy... I can't put the feeling into words no matter how hard I try. And I remember being PROUD. I mean, seriously proud - puff my chest out, hold my head high, and announce to anyone who would listen that I had a baby sister
proud! As a matter of fact, as soon as I got to my afternoon kindergarten school at East Elementary, (which happened to also be the same school where my mom was a teacher) I ran into the main office and asked the secretary to announce the big news over the PA system! It was as if I was instantly imagining all of the little sister dress up and pretend play that I was going to experience. And as you can tell, I absolutely loved playing hair and make-up with her!

Of course, as much as I loved dolling her up, she had more fun being outside getting into trouble. She loved to climb trees to hide from her Poppy, she would cover herself in the mud from low tide at the beach, and she had more bumps and bruises and cuts and scrapes as a young girl than I can count on all my fingers and toes. And she had no problem with fish guts and slime!

But you have to admit that she was one cute kid. Even though I dropped her on her head
HARD when she was only a few weeks old while we were camping in the mountains. Or maybe I should say I dropped her on her
HARD head!

Maybe that incident of dropping her on her head can explain why she has always been such a clown...

All joking aside, I couldn't love my sister anymore than I do now. Don't get me wrong, we have had plenty of differences throughout the years. And I'm sure we will have many more in the years to come. But I consider that to just be a part of being sisters. I know that my life would not be the same without her. I feel just as lucky now as I did the day she was born.
So, from then...

to now...

I love you, Anna! You have grown into a beautiful woman, and I miss you every day! Even though the miles may separate us, we still share a closeness that only sisters can. I always know that I can call you when I need a laugh, or when I need to cry. Thank you, for being my sister, but mostly, for being my friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Oh, what a beautiful post about your sister! My baby sister and I are also 6 years apart, and I remember her birth day vividly, as well.
You two are so beautiful! Happy Birthday to her!
Very sweet post. I always wanted a sister.
Wow, what a great tribute to your sister and that last photo of you two is BEAUTIFUL!!! You gals have some great genes. =0)
What a sweet post. I have 4 sisters & none of us have a relationship like that. Love it!
Happy Birthday, Anna!
What a lovely post to celebrate her :)
This made me bit teary eyed! How lucky is she to have you for a sister? Happy Birthday to her!
Lovin' all these old pictures - so sweet.
This was a great post about your sister... My sister and I are super close as well!
Happy Birthday to her!
You are so funny! Thanks for all your comments on my blog...I enjoy reading them. :) y the way...I love the photo of you two in the wedding. So pretty!
Ah-ha! I now have a face to put to the girl i've been emailing! She does seem wonderful!
What a wonderful post! I have a sister 8 years younger, so I am a little blurry-eyed after reading it. I hope you both had a wonderful day:)
Sweet post. I remember my first day of kindergarten well because that was the day my brother was born.
What a great tribute to your sister. I hope that she has a wonderful birthday! She is lucky to have a sister like you!
What a sweet tribute to your sister! I especially love the pictures from your younger years! I have two sisters and they would only be so lucky to have me post about them on their birthday. :)
y'all are both so beautiful! Wish I was this close with my sister... but I was blessed with an awesome best friend, so thats close enough. great post!
My sister and I are 6 years apart too! It was awesome having a little sister to mold and boss around. lol! And we are now closer than ever.
Happy bday to your sis!
What a sweet post! Your little sister is a very lucky lady!
(PS: The hair photos are awesome - especially the fathering action on the first one!)
What a sweet post for your sister's birthday! I hope she had a great day.
What a wonderful post about your sister! Your pictures are beautiful!!
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