I know, I know... it's been 17 days since I have made a post. I AM SORRY! It has been more than just a little bit crazy around here the past couple of weeks. There are many major
major major changes happening in our lives right now, and I am not even going to attempt to try to explain them in a "Not Me" style post. That would just be too confusing! So stay tuned for a post later on today that will explain all the reasons for my bloggy absence.
Meanwhile... I'm excited to join
MckMama for another week of Not Me Monday! By now, you know how this little game works, and I hope that you will join us in this glorious form of free therapy!
Speaking of therapy, I am doing pretty well with the final phase of stopping all of my anti-depression and anti-anxiety meds. I went through two days of either severe withdrawals or I possibly had some kind of weird and painful stomach virus. Or maybe I had a two day flu. I'm not 100% sure what it was, but I really think it was from stopping the meds! Regardless, I did
NOT complain to my husband that I felt like my brain was buzzing with electricity during those two most awful days, as well as for a few days after that. I also did
NOT hear my husband telling someone that he felt like he was riding the "Crazy Tiffany Roller Coaster" during that first week. Geez... I just thought that I was a
little bit edgy!
I am
NOT seriously thinking about registering for a 10K run at the end of September. Considering that I have only run two times in the past two weeks, and considering that both of those runs
ADDED TOGETHER still don't equal to 10K, this may be a slightly crazy idea.
I have
NOT been trying to decide what color to paint the walls of my living room for over a week now. I love the color that it is currently, but it is really dark. I decided that the room needed to be brighter, so I've been searching for the perfect paint color. The problem... nothing compares to the color that it already was. So, I finally decided to just paint it half a shade lighter than what it originally was, mainly because I need to clean up the giant mess that I made in my color choosing process.

And finally, I am
NOT super excited to host my very first giveaway! Currently, I have 82 followers
(I LOVE Y'ALL!) and my hit count is at 9,752. Whichever event occurs first, either 100 followers or 10,000 hits, that lucky person will receive what I consider to be a FABULOUSLY AWESOME prize! You can check my right sidebar to see where all of the counts currently stand, and if you are the 100th follower or 10,000th hit, please send me picture proof and you will be my lucky winner!
And, just because I want to make it even more interesting for all of you (and to give those of you who are already followers an extra chance) I will be giving away a SECOND prize winner at random to anyone who comments on this post! You can even receive bonus opportunities to win by commenting to let me know that:
- You are a follower of this blog.
- You are following me on Twitter. (just ask... I'll confirm for you to follow)
- You have posted my button on your blog.
- You write a post or a link about this giveaway.
- You just want to tell me how wonderful and awesome you think I am.
So there you have it. My entrance back into bloggy-land, a "Not Me" post, a give away, and a promise for another post to come later today... all wrapped up into one little post right here just for you.
Happy Monday everyone!
I am NOT commenting on this, or becoming a follower (ok, I am so embarrassed that I am not already. Totally thought I was!) until it gets closer to 100, or 10000, k?
Hey missed you!
I was just thinking the other day that you hadn't blogged or Twittered much recently and I hoped everything was okay and now you are back!
I love the paint wall - that is hilarious and seriously would never fly with my husband. He would be livid if I did that. haha.
Okay, so I already follow you on here and on twitter. your button has been on my blog for a long time now. and i basically think you are totally awesome (and not just because you let me email you with wedding questions or just to vent :)
can't wait to read about all the changes going on!
I'm a follower and I'm glad you are back!
PS Love the way you choose paint:)
I can't believe I didn't have your button! I do now.
Hey you were missed! Great to hear from you... good luck with the paint colour... it is NOT an easy decision, as I'm thinking of re-doing my family room, too and I can't decide on anything!
Hi! Missed ya! Good to see ya back. :)
I am a follower and I'm pretty sure you already know that I think you are rad!
Glad you're back! Can't wait to hear about all the changes and such!
I follow you on twitter and here:) Someday when we're back in BC we'll meet:)
Happy Monday!! I like all the colors you have up, makes it hard to pick just the right one. You should totally sign up for that run!!
We need to paint so bad...but I'm terrible at trying to pick out a paint color! I know it will look great when you're finished! I hope you are feeling better after your meds and good things are to come ;)
Fun, fun giveaway..can't wait to see what happens first!
I follow!!!
And I have your button over at the Manor :)
take care!
Hi Tiff!!
I follow here and on Twitter...sumrthyme.
Of course I think you'll wonderful!! Sorry we didn't make it to the waterway but y'all are coming home for Christmas...right??
New to your blog but I love it! Can't wait to get to know you better.
Nice to see you back! Can't wait to hear about the news.
Yay for your first giveaway and a Woo Hoo for your big counter, too! All good stuff! I've been a follower and always look forward to reading more from you. :)
I am NOT a follower;) Just kidding! I am! Congrats on your blogging milestone!
I am a follower, and loving your blog :)
Well, I officially follow!
I've had your button for-evah!
I follow your blog ;)
I'm glad you updated! I was wondering how things were going.
Girl I am so proud that you are getting off the meds and it is going well. I am even more proud that you are doing this during the super busy wedding season.
I have totally missed seeing you around blogland but I totally know what you mean about being busy.
You know I already think you are totally fabulous, not just because you are a totally cool mom but you are also my die hard blogging racing buddy!
Gladly sending people your way:
1. i am now following you(although, i don't get following if you use google reader, bloglines, etc???)
2. i am following you on twitter even though i don't use my twitter account unless it is to enter giveaways!
3-4. i never blog so 3 and 4 aren't going to happen anytime soon ;)
5. you are wonderful and awesome! love you.
I love your paint wall! Too funny! It's been a year since we planned on painting our living room, and I still haven't picked a color!
Oh-and I follow!
I've been lurking but now I'm a follower!
Long time no see! I'm glad you are starting to feel better since you're stopping your medication! Gotta have all that cleared out before you get pregnant again!
Of course I'm a follower!
...and a twtitter follower...
...and have your button in my scrolly side bar thingy....
...and of course I think you are simply marvelous dahling!!
Hey there! This outta be fun. I guess after all this time, I need to do a give-away, huh? What a fun idea!
And of course I'm already a follower. Duh! =0)
I'm already a follower, of course!
I do want an extra entry for telling you that you are am awesome Mom, and you are very beautiful as well!
I'm following your bloggy! purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
Sent a request to follow you on Twitter! (luvcontests)
I think you're awesome, yeah!! :)
I have your button up on my bloggy!
Blogged: http://treasuredgiveaways.blogspot.com/2009/08/random-giveaway.html
well, you already have over 10,000 hits! But I am follower #87! =)
I am a follower! =)
I am following you on twitter. =)
How fun that you are having a giveaway!!I'm glad you are back, and good luck on the run if you choose to go forward with it!!!
So I missed my chance at the 10,000 hit... I will go for the follower... I can become #100!
Cute blog. Congratulations on the growing number of readers. I know that's always fun! So this is my first visit to your blog but i'm sure i'll be back!
missylovsjesus at yahoo dot com
I'm thinking about registering for a 5k run at the end of september too, even though I haven't run in a while. Maybe the same one? I ran it last year after training for a month and never ran again after that.
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