Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bad News

I hate to have to post this. Ryan is going to have to have another back surgery. His pain was better for the first few days after his surgery, and then it suddenly came back worse than ever. His neurosurgeon only practices out of the hospital that is almost an hour away, so I took him to our family doctor that is just around the corner. The Dr ordered an emergency CT scan, and the results showed that the same disc had re-ruptured. So we phoned the neurosurgeon who told us to come to his hospital immediately and that he would operate that evening. The nurses had Ryan all prepped and ready to go when suddenly the anesthesiologist was called to do an emergency C-Section. Then someone came in the OR with a ruptured bowel, so we were sent home. After I made enough phone calls yesterday to drive all of the hospital staff crazy, we now have a new surgery date scheduled for Tuesday December 9. Momsey and Pops were supposed to fly back home today, but have thankfully agreed to stay and help us until this nightmare is finally over!

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