Sorry I couldn't come up with a jazzy title for my totally random post like McMommy can. Her creative title of Brain Potpourri would work perfectly for this post!
Reagan's cousin Brady spent a lot of time with us this week. In the midst to adjusting to life with toddler Brady and newborn Karis, Kyle and Denise both came down with a terrible stomach flu. So, to help them out, Brady came over to our house for a couple of days. I had a moment of obvious temporary insanity, and made the decision to take both Reagan and Brady to Chuck E Cheese for some fun. On a normal day, this wouldn't be considered all that crazy. However, it is Spring Break week here, and it was raining. So by the time we got to CEC at 10:00 that morning, it was already a mad zoo with HUNDREDS of screaming kids. Let's just say it was an experience that I don't plan to repeat next year during Spring Break! The following day, while it was still raining, I decided to do some creative thinking for fun at home. I'm not quite the pro that MckMama is at coming up with great indoor ideas, but I didn't do too shabby! Reagan and Brady helped me to build a monster size fort in our living room.
Reagan's hair has been driving me crazy lately. I've been debating on letting her bangs grow out, but I finally had to do something about it. The poor child couldn't even see in front of her unless she tilted her head back to look out from underneath the bangs that were covering her eyes. So, it was time for a haircut. When I first gave her bangs, her hair was very thin. It has now thickened up quite a bit, so her bangs look to be a bit much. I call her new haircut her transition phase. I only cut a small amount of her bangs, and I'm hoping to be able to continue to style it in a way that the part that is growing out will continue to stay out of her face. We'll see in the coming days if it actually works or not. In the meantime... it doesn't look too bad!
It seems everyone is thinking along the same lines as me this time of year... it's getting close to swimsuit season (if it ever stops raining here!) so it's time to get back into shape. Every day I tell myself that today is the day that I am going to start my new workout routine, and so far, everyday I postpone it. If I could just be as motivated as Sara at Domestically Challenged, I would lose the 20 pounds that I wish to lose in a few weeks flat. A little over a year ago, I was on a HUGE weight loss kick and I was exercising like crazy. At that time, I would have been able to keep up with Sara no problem at all. Since that time when I was working out and running and counting Weight Watchers points like an addicted lunatic, I have gained back all of the weight that I lost! So now, I will probably feel much like Big Mama when I do finally motivate my lazy self to do something! And since Big Mama with all of her fashion wisdom says that slouchy pants are going to be in style this season, maybe I can get away with only losing 15 pounds instead of 20!!
I love, LOVE, her new haircut. I printed out a 4x6 of it and have it framed at my office and also in my server book for RT. Tell Reagan she is the most beautiful child I have EVER seen. ~hearts~
lol at the big mama reference! funny post, tiff!
Do you know how relieved I was when BigMama wrote about slouchy pants?! Not that I need another reason to rationalize not exercising...but still! So exciting! Slouchy pants!
Love the new haircut! Thank you for the sweet shoutout. Now, if you had kids like mine? you'd run like a maniac too. I am lucky that I am easily motivated, but... I still have 5 pounds I can't get off. The more I run, the more I eat!
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