I noticed a change in the way that I create my posts starting last summer. It was also during last summer that my parents created their blog to document their travels as full-time RVers. My parents have a true talent for telling a story... each of their posts is always done in full detail about their activities and events. During our summer vacation with my parents last year (the trip that I called the West Coast Motor Home Adventure) I was very impressed with the way my parents would "tell the story" of our trip on their blog posts. I was so impressed, that once I got home and updated my own blog, I noticed that I was giving way more details with my description of my pictures, and I was even copying verbatim some of the very same things that my parents had said on their blog about similar pictures. It was then that I discovered what blogging can truly be. It's not just a scrapbook of photos, but it is a life story. At least that it was I am now aspiring for my blog to be.
When I was given the Kreativ Blogger award earlier in the week, I knew that I wanted to honor some of the other blogs that I check on a daily basis. As I said in my previous post, those girls rock! But I also wanted to find a way to honor my parents blog. Yes, their blog is creative... there is no doubt about that. But for me, their blog is so much more. It was my inspiration to become a better story-teller. So, I have actually created my very own award.... the INSPIRATIONAL BLOGGER AWARD. This is an award that can only be given once, but I hope that it will be passed around now that it has been designed. My parents blog inspired me to be a better blogger, and they can pass it on to the blogger that has most inspired them. The rules for this award will be easy:
1. Post the award on your blog, and link to the person who gave you the award.
2. Tell why or how the person that you are giving the award to has inspired you.
3. E-mail or comment on that blog to let the person know you've given them the award.
So, without further ado, I present for the very first time, my INSPIRATIONAL BLOGGER AWARD to... Skip and Cindy at Chasing the Dream.

Well, I need to go check them out now, because I am intruiged about these great stories!
Congrats on the award, and thanks for the kind words on my blog!
Your blog rocks and congrats on your award:)
Over time all of our blogs have evolved into more than we ever could imagine.
Hugs and Mocha,
Very cool!
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