I wanted to make jokes and laugh about him selling his car at the beginning of the week... I had even written a blog post in my head about a small piece of his heart dying as he watched a stranger drive away in his baby. I mean, that car really was his baby until Reagan came along, and we had been trying to sell it since shortly after she was born. You may even remember this post from February 2007.
But something happened a couple of days after we sold the car that makes me not want to make jokes about anything right now.
The day after the car sold, Ryan phoned me from his work and told me to start looking for tickets to make a trip to North Carolina to my family's house at the waterway. He said that was what he wanted to do with the money that was left over from selling his car after we paid our outrageous property taxes. I laughed and told him that he was crazy... there was no way we could fit a trip into my busy bridal schedule, and we could use that money to convert his shed into a workshop. Sorry Momsey & Pops... it's not that I didn't want to come see you... I was just for once trying to think practically about a lifetime investment to our house instead of a week of fun with you guys!
The very next day, something horrible happened. I don't feel like my blog is the place to go into any of the details of what my husband experienced, so I will just tell you that he witnessed a hit-and-run accident that is now being investigated as a homicide. You can go to this news link if you wish. Ryan was one of the last people to see this man alive as he tried to help in saving the man's life. The man passed away in Ryan's arms.
Ryan spent that day doing numerous interviews with the police to try to provide as much information as he could to help with catching the criminal. He was mentally, physically, and emotionally drained when he finally made it home. After Reagan went to bed that night, he recounted the events as they happened to me, and I was almost sick to my stomach having to listen to what he witnessed. One of the last things that he said to me that night was that he really wished that we could make the trip to NC because he needed an escape from the images in his head.
I started re-arranging my schedule the next day.
So, hopefully the peaceful views from the waterway and some quality time spent fishing with my Dad will be therapeutic for my hubby. We leave next week for our impromptu trip to what I have always called the most relaxing spot on Earth:
On a lighter note, Reagan was beyond the moon excited when she found out that we were going on a plane ride to see Momsey & Pops!
WOW--poor thing! Not a good reason for a trip away, but I hope it helps!! :)
Oh, that is so horrible for your husband! I'm so sorry! I'm glad he'll get some peace from the trip!
That's awful. I hope that you are all able to enjoy some family time and relax!
Oh, bless his heart. I hope he has some peace knowing he did the right thing to try and help that man. Not everybody does that. I wish you guys a happy, relaxing trip. :-)
Wow - I know that a trip to the NC coast can always make everything better. So sory he's having to go through all of that. Hope you have a wonderful time.
Oh my gosh! That is just crazy, I know I couldn't handle something like that. You two go and get away!
Gee...that is horrible news! I hope that you are able to relax and escape such a terrible tragedy! I sure hope they find the person who did this...and that your husband is able to put those images to rest. God must have placed him there for some reason...hopefully to provide help in capturing the criminal. Enjoy your trip...no matter the circumstances...and cherish the time with your sweet little girl and your parents!
I hope you have a wonderful trip. I'm praying for Ryan and your family. =)
I'm so sorry he had to go through that, but I know ya'll will have a great trip.
Oh no I'm so sorry that your husband had to experience that. It can be hugely traumatic. Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing getaway.
Oh Tiffany, I'm so sorry. That's awful. =0(
I went and watched the news clip. What an awful tragedy.
I'm glad y'all are going on the trip. Hopefully it'll be good for Ryan.
I'm so sorry to hear that! Your poor husband-that has to be incredibly difficult. I hope the trip is relaxing.
Oh my goodness... that is just horrible... I'm so sorry! That must have been one of the most difficult things for your husband... how sad. I do hope you have a relaxing getaway. Enjoy... take it easy.
I am so sorry. That is horrible. For the man, his family, but also for your husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Have a wonderful trip. Enjoy each other and your family.
That is terrible. I hope getting away for a bit will at least help him focus on something else for a bit. That must have been horrific to watch.
That is terrible. I hope getting away for a bit will at least help him focus on something else for a bit. That must have been horrific to watch.
I came to visit your blog from Erica's at scottsville only to learn that your hubby had such an aweful experience.
I pray that those images will go away or at least become not so graphic for him.
Hope you have a great time on vacation with your folks.
Take care,
Nannette from Life: Be In It
OH NO, Tiffany!! Poor Ryan...i'll say a little prayer for Ryan's peace of mind. you guys enjoy your getaway:)
That is so terrible! I hope your husband can find peace on vacation! I'm so sorry that he had to go through that!
I am so glad you got to do this for him! Enjoy yourselves and spoil him a bit!
what a horrible thing to go through. i hope you both enjoy your vacation and that your get-away is just what the dr. ordered. (no pun intended there dr. mommy!)
Oh wow. How horrible. Use your time away to relax and reflect on all the blessings in your life. I'm visiting your blog for the first time, but by all accounts, you have plenty to be thankful for!
Also, I'm starting to host a "fitness friday" Mr Linky on my blog on Fridays (obviously *wink*), if you'd like to link up any fitness related post from the week. Only mentioning it cause I see the fitness tracker you have in your sidebar.
Enjoy your holiday!
*waves* from Eastern Canada.
something similar happened to my mom. this is really tough and ((((hugs)))) to ya'll. Love one another and have a safe and enjoyable time.
Oh dear. There are no words of comfort sufficient for such a thing. Hope your trip away helps and that your hubby knows what a good man he is for trying to help. Many would have turned the other cheek.
Peace to both of you.
GAINED 10 lbs?! What tha!?!
I will try it for another week...if I don't see anything...plan b...which I don't know what that will be but i'll think of something!!!!!!!!
thanks for the heads up!!
u SHOULD be a doctor hehe :)
WOW!!! I hope Ryan is doing "ok" after such a horrible ordeal!! Have a great trip!!!!
Bless Ryan's heart. I can only imagine what he is going through. I pray you enjoy your time way.
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