We're back home from our vacation to NC. As always, the trip seemed far too short once it came time to return back home. We enjoyed every single second that we were there... except for when we had to say goodbye!
Our last few days were just as busy and fun as the rest, and of course I have the pictures for you to prove it!
Auntie Anna joined us for a trip over to Holden Beach to play in the ocean. Reagan seriously thinks that Auntie Anna is the coolest Auntie in the world...

Ryan & I joined in on the fun in the waves as well...

Once we were all full of ocean salt and sand, we headed on over to the water slides for more fun. Anna & I both commented on how much smaller the water slides looked now that we were adults. When we used to go to those slides as kids, they always seemed so much bigger! I'm sure that in Reagan's eyes, they were monster-sized...

One of Reagan's many requests of Momsey & Pops was that she wanted to see fireworks while we were visiting. Pops put on a grand display the first night that we were there, and then he put on an even bigger show our last night there. I don't have any pics of the actual fireworks, but Reagan has discovered that she loves sparklers...

The entire trip was amazing as we did so many fun and memorable things each and every day. And it was the perfect relaxing holiday as well that we all so desperately needed. On the ride to take us to the airport on Saturday afternoon, Momsey asked Reagan what she would miss the most about the beach. Reagan was very quiet for a few seconds, and she had a very serious look on her face. She then turned to my Mom and said, "I'm going to miss you and Pops the most." I fought back the tears as best I could... Reagan on the other hand decided that it was time to cry, and she began to chant over and over again, "I don't want to go home. I want to stay with Momsey & Pops. I don't want to go home. I want to stay with Momsey & Pops..." Needless to say, I shed a tear or two at this point!
Thank you again Momsey & Pops for a fabulous vacation. Ryan and I both agree with Reagan... YOU are what makes our time at the waterway all the more special!
It's going to be a long 5 months until we go see them again at Christmas...
Looks like you all had tons of fun! I'm so glad!
And btw, thanks for that reminder on the Crystal Lite. I have so been there myself.
Great photos! Kudos to you for wearing a bikini!!! I'm going to make that my goal for next summer, but I'm going to have to get off my rear and do some serious exercise before that happens! Glad y'all had a nice vaca!
Looks like you all had a fabulous time! That's wonderful. I'm glad you got to get away.
Great pictures & tons of fun!
You & your bikini suck! :)
Welcome back!! Looks like fun!!
could you make me any sicker how awesome you look?!
I will NOT be posting pics of me in mine...thankyouverymuch!
looks like ya'll had a blast!!!!
These shots/collages you've done are so awesome! I'd have shed a tear or two at the airport as well! So sad! I missed you and glad you are back. I'm coming to see Edward.
Looks like you all had a fabulous time. Reagan has to be the cutest little girl. I love all of the photos, they show the greatest time you must of had.
So glad you are back, I hope you get all settled back in soon!
That looks like so much fun.
I am jealous that you can wear a bikini. I have to cover myself up.
Welcome home!!!!!
I missed you! Sadly, I have that SAME black bikini but in pink that your sis is wearing, and one VERY similar to the one you're wearing. ha ha ha
Great minds think alike?!
I forgot to tell you that I'll gladly photograph Reagan's party for FREE. Just fly me up, Girl!
Hey, just saw your comment about the hearts. You just left the "s" off of hearts. ♥
Great photos and I love the collages that you made with them! I wanted to tell you that my Jaden still wears arm floaties in deeper water. Our pool where she has swim lessons has a decent-sized area that is only 2 feet deep so that's why she's more confident in there--she can touch the bottom easily! I used to be "against" using floaties for my kids, fearing that they would become too reliant on them and never give them up, but this summer we started using them with Jaden and I'm officially an addict! She can do so much more in a pool that has less shallow water (like the one at our lakehouse!) so now I'm going to be the one not wanting to give them up. Ha! Have a great day :)
Great photos! It looks like you had an amazing time. Just found your blog and loving it. I'm following! My google friend link is not linked to my site, so you can find me at http://www.thetamom.com
I'm so glad you all had a blast. It looks like you all made some very special memories from all of the photos. I love your collages...how do you do that?
Hope you're recovering from your vacay. :)
So hard when you have family so far away!
On a different note...those Lululemon pants...stores are going up around Canada like crazy. If there isn't one near you there are a LOT on Ebay! Too fun!
I so know how hard it is when it comes time to say goodbye and I'm not even gonna lie... I had a tear in my eye when I read her response to Momsey... so sweet.
By the way,I left something for you over at my blog! :)
It looks like you had a wonderful vacation.
Poor little Reagan. That had to be so hard to watch!
Glad you had a good trip - the beach looks wonderful!
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