We've been catching lizards...

We've been bike riding...

We've been eating the World's Largest Sucker...

We've been playing volleyball with our cousin...

We've been eating ice cream...

We've been getting all dressed up to go out to dinner...

We've been kite flying...

What have you been up to?
Great pictures. I love the collages.
Love the pictures, and I really love her hair. It is just too cute! Makes me want to get my hair cut!
Unpacking some boxes from the move last March. Couldn't do it since I was pregnant. But now I can get the rest of things in order. Yeah!!! Your weekend sounds a little more fun. LOL
Love the collages. That sucker is amazing and can probably produce a big sugar high.
We of course went racing this weekend, Donnie had to start 11th as he won last week (competition rule they have at the track) he was able to come home 9. Then it was also off to the county fair tonight.
I hope you all are enjoying the time with your family!
Great collages. And -- I'm lovin' her new "do". It is soooo super cute. She looks all grown up! Hope you all continue to have a GREAT time visiting.
I'm thinking about packing up and going to wherever you are because it looks like a BLAST!
You look like you are having so much fun! Yay! I can't wait to see more pics!
You look like you are having so much fun! Yay! I can't wait to see more pics!
You look like you are having so much fun! Yay! I can't wait to see more pics!
It looks like you're having a great time!!! Love the pics!
Wow, Sara commented a lot ;)
Looks like you guys are having a blast! I'm so jealous!
Nothing nearly as fun as you!
Oh, and is it weird that I look at Reagan's hair and think, I wonder if I should get mine cut like that. She's so stylish. :)
Well, my blog already showed ya what I was up to all weekend. Your fun looked AWESOME!
Reagan's hair is simply darling on her, too!
Did she ever finish that sucker? I'm betting she'll get done by the year 2014 if you help her!
I love her haircut. It looks so sophisticated for a 3 year old. What program are you using to arrange the pictures like that?
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