Don't you just love all of the changes and additions that MckMama has made to Not Me Monday!? From the new logo, to the new MckLinky system, I think she rocks!
Now, onto my confessions...
We did NOT go to the Canada Day celebrations in our hometown on Tuesday June 30, which was a day earlier than the actual holiday itself. And we most certainly did NOT let little Miss Reagan stay up a full 4 hours past her bed time just so she could watch the fireworks and ride all of the rides.

We did NOT also celebrate Independence Day on July 4th with all of our Canadian neighbors for a little back yard barbeque at our house on Saturday night. And I would NEVER forget to pull out my camera the entire night to document such an occasion!
I am NOT secretly loving the fact that Reagan has slept until 10:00 am for the past 5 days since we have totally wrecked her nighttime schedule with all of our holiday celebrations!
I did NOT tell Reagan that she could eat cupcakes and ice cream for dinner knowing that I wouldn't be home to deal with the overly hyper child since I had a wedding to go work. Sorry Ryan!
I did NOT have to go back to a wedding venue at 2:00 in the morning this past Saturday to try to help locate a missing cake knife! Oh man, the things that I do for my bride's as The Bride's Assistant... I guess that was my punishment for the cupcakes and ice cream!
I am NOT laughing at how my husband's and my vocabulary has changed since Reagan has starting listening and repeating so well. For example, it is now quite common to hear us shout out the expletives "Pickle!" "Sugar!" "Cherry Pits!" or "Fudge!" in place of some other not so child-friendly words.
I did NOT have to go back to a wedding venue at 2:00 in the morning this past Saturday to try to help locate a missing cake knife! Oh man, the things that I do for my bride's as The Bride's Assistant... I guess that was my punishment for the cupcakes and ice cream!
I am NOT laughing at how my husband's and my vocabulary has changed since Reagan has starting listening and repeating so well. For example, it is now quite common to hear us shout out the expletives "Pickle!" "Sugar!" "Cherry Pits!" or "Fudge!" in place of some other not so child-friendly words.
And finally, I am NOT super excited about a completely unexpected trip down to Carolina in less than two weeks. Details to come...
Loved this 'not me' Monday post of yours! Looks like you guys had a great time! And your daughter sleeping in until 10 a.m.? That totally rocks! :)
Looks like yall had a good time!
Sounds like fun! I love to party! Any excuse is good with me!
You FORGOT to take pictures? Oh the horrors! {wink}
Glad to hear y'all did your own celebrating this weekend. Sounds like you get DOUBLE since you celebrate Canada's too. Lucky girl!
Hey, I ALWAYS sugar mine up before daddy watches them. :-) Makes him appreciate what I do even more! ;-)
Forgot your camera?! GASP!!
that is like forgetting to breathe!!
Glad you had a good holiday :)
I just looked at your site!! I wish you lived closer--not for me--my friend is getting married in March 10...we went dress shopping today :)
what a cool job! I bet you love it! {mostly}
She sleeps in until 10?? I am jealous. I need my kids to do that.
I kept my boy up til 10:15 for the fireworks and all I got was an 8:30am rising, which I was doing backflips over I might add!! Lucky you!
My oldest used to sleep in until 10 but my youngest never sleeps past 8:30 even when she's up till 3 in the morning.
We didn't take the kids to the fireworks since I didn't know how the youngest would handle it.
We need to start using fake swear words too sincd the oldest has picked up on some not so nice workds :s
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